Monday, September 10, 2012



  1. My favorite I would have to say is your t2. I like the cropping to start with, it was actually a little difficult to know what the letter was, I almost thought it was a d or g or something. I also like the transitions, they all flow well together and you can't tell which line goes to which letter. And finally I like how at the top it's all curvy and when you get towards the bottom its all straight lines.

  2. i loved your 1t (lowercase) ! It seems so symmetrical how there are twoo straight lines splitting it and then curves in the upper left and lower right. The flow between the 1 and t is seemless and i really like this one! nice job :)

  3. I agree with Caleb. My favorite is also your t2. I looks really cool how you had the 2 connect in two spots to the t. I also like how you didn't just connect them when they were both right side up, but you switched the t to upside down. I like how there is line but also curve within the letter and number.

  4. My favorite is probably the 3T. They come together really nice with the top of the T that connects with the middle fo the 3. It was hard to tell at first which letter and number you used but i really like it. Good work.

  5. Love the T5. It has great neg space and flows very well.
